Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life Changes

Hello fellow bloggers and friends.

I have recently had a big change in my life. My day job has changed and I guess change is good or is supposed to be. So, I will embrace it since everyone is nice, although I do miss things the way they were.

The beautiful wifey is studying again. I picked up a can of Red Bull for her so I guess that means an "all niter" studying. Just got back from delivering basketball photos and of course I got orders for more pics. It's good when you get business. In fact, ITS GREAT!

I'm hearing about the nuclear option on the TV. Did someone threaten to bomb us? It's amazing how excited these news people get when something bad happens or is about to happen. Of course, I know what they are talking about. Healthcare! Something all of us need or will need one day. Some of us just like it a lot more than others. I should really go to the doctor but I'm afraid of those guys in the white coats. Ok, Ok! I'll go tomorrow if I can get an appointment. Too many sick people in the world. I felt a little depressed today but I kept chugging along anyway. I am definitely the odd fellow since I am on no medication except the aspirin I have started taking daily.

I went to visit my mother recently. It's about a 3 hour drive and it was a nice day to drive although a little cold outside. I like to drive sometimes. It gives me a chance to think and sort out my thoughts. I started counting all the properties for sale on the trip home. I counted 82 For Sale or lease signs on the main roads of my trip thru the rural countryside of Tennessee. I don't believe I have ever seen so many... Whether we know it or not, whether we recognize it or not, these are historical times. When I was a kid I remember things like landing a man on the moon, the Kennedy and King assassinations, Elvis singing Hound Dog, the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. I remember hard times. But we all survived and really didn't know they were such hard times. Hopefully, we will survive these times.

When I was that kid, I believed I could BE or DO anything. So why did I grow up and let that feeling drift away?

I like going back home. It recharges me and I feel renewed. Part of that feeling comes from the love of my mother. She is the best mother anyone could ever have. I kinda get that feeling on the way back to my adult life that I can DO anything again. Thanks Mom!

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