Saturday, February 4, 2012

These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls*

Ok, well I filled up with gas today and I gotta say I was SHOCKED! $48.45 and that's Regular grade! And I drive a little bitty truck! I am basically a traveling photographer shooting sports and weddings besides having a day job so it's a necessity to buy gas pretty often. When did this happen? Did someone threaten to stop pumping oil? We are at the mercy of someone and I hate being dependent on anyone!

Is there a conspiracy or something? Gas was $2 or so a year ago -they get us used to the price by jacking it up real high and then when it goes down a dime - we are so relieved! I think it's gonna be well over $4 in June when we all wanna take those vacations. Remember you heard it here first. Good Luck!

I keep cutting back on the things I do, like eating out and movies, but wow! you would have thought it was Christmas out by the local shopping mall today. I never saw so many cars. Bless those military people spending their pay. Is it too late for me to sign up?

Basketball photos today went pretty well. I used a greenscreen to shoot individuals and the team since no courts were available. It's a great way to shoot and later put in an appropriate background with the computer but you have to have very good lighting.

I have decided to branch out and open a couple of more small businesses for a little security in these trying times. More on this later.

Bless the wifey's heart-she has had a cold but works and goes to school like a real trouper. I'm told it'll pay off one day.(that's what I keep telling her anyway)

All I want is fairness for all people-reward hard work-reward innovation-reward working smart and stop rewarding bad behavior. Everyone ought to pay some taxes-NO ONE should get back money they didn't pay in. We all need some skin in the game! This country can be great again-we just have to return to fairness. These are the times that try men's souls!*

(Famous Quote by Founding Father Thomas Paine 1776-77)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why Can I not get excited anymore?

Ok so it's been a while since I blogged-Guess I'm afraid of saying something politically incorrect. I think we are all tired of hearing that term. It's full blown political season-the Republicans are ripping each other up on National TV but it'll all soon be forgotten. I believe most people don't really care. It's kinda like baseball to me-I'm never interested until it's Worlds Series time!
I was off my day job today so I was pretty domestic and just chilled mostly. I have lots to do but like I said -I just can't seem to get excited. When I was young (not that I'm old), I was gonna change the world! At what point did that slip away? And how can I get that feeling back? I guess that's why some people take medication. I'm about the only person that I know that's not on some kinda doctor prescribed drug. Don't get me wrong, drugs can be very helpful but we don't need to get dependant on them.

It has become VERY clear to me as I have gotten older that we CAN change things -one person can make a difference but you gotta have passion-I mean you gotta have a reason! There are those of us who have lost it and just cruise thru life getting by. It's seems to me that the world rewards poor behavior and as the famous quote goes-I'm MAD AS HELL AND I AIN'T GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. So I have decided that if I see lackluster performance being rewarded or cheating being condoned, I will speak up and call it as I see it. Hey! Maybe I just got some passion!