Monday, March 4, 2013

Here I am again - ready to get some burdens off my shoulders. It's a new year and I'm told that things are getting better for me. Hmmmmm............ lets take an inventory or a snapshot of my financial life.

 Ok my paycheck is 2% or so smaller each pay period. Thats about a tank and a half of gas each month. And speaking of gas, I dread filling up-maybe I'll start just getting half a tank so I can fool myself into thinking I'm getting more. So gas costs me more. A LOT MORE!

My health insurance costs me more and has higher deductibles and pays less.

I'm still waiting on my $8000 check for purchasing a home - but alas the IRS says my basement of my business was my principal residence so I don't get it.

Everything costs more-but its getting better-LOL-WAKE UP AMERICA! Pay attention to something besides American Idol, Survivor, The Kardasians, and whatever other reality show is out there.

The politicians all talk about helping the middle class-I may be in the minority now-but I believe the way they can best help is to get the Hell Outta the WAY! The average American seems to be only interested in what the government can do for them. Or what government entitlement they are qualified for. That's a heck of a word-ENTITLEMENT-Lets change it back to welfare or maybe call it Charity for People Down-on their Luck.  CFPDOTL-yeah that has a Ring to it! We already have SNAP cards supposedly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cards which are used to buy a multitude of food items that really qualify as "junk food".  I think we ought to give the people that have these cards a job of some sort. Maybe they can pick up trash-or do office work-or clean up parks -anything that makes them feel useful. Let's do something unique in this country. LET'S REWARD DOING THE RIGHT THINGS! We all know there are people that because of mental ability or their health, they cannot function in society or hold a job. Instead of just allowing people to stay on welfare(CFPDOTL) forever-there must be some accountibility. Each year a home visit unannounced will be required. I have to take a drug test unannounced to keep my job so I see no problem with this.  

My job situation is a little shaky also-The economy is not helping the situation. I have always believed in working hard and smart so I endeavor to do both.

It seems this is not the America where I grew up. Hopefully, the government will stop justifying itself and provide only the services we really need. They should not be trying to fulfill all the public's wants. Taking from a hard working, honest, person and giving it to someone who won't work or who makes poor choices is immoral.

Oh Yeah! I'm still taking photos -mostly sports.......

Saturday, February 4, 2012

These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls*

Ok, well I filled up with gas today and I gotta say I was SHOCKED! $48.45 and that's Regular grade! And I drive a little bitty truck! I am basically a traveling photographer shooting sports and weddings besides having a day job so it's a necessity to buy gas pretty often. When did this happen? Did someone threaten to stop pumping oil? We are at the mercy of someone and I hate being dependent on anyone!

Is there a conspiracy or something? Gas was $2 or so a year ago -they get us used to the price by jacking it up real high and then when it goes down a dime - we are so relieved! I think it's gonna be well over $4 in June when we all wanna take those vacations. Remember you heard it here first. Good Luck!

I keep cutting back on the things I do, like eating out and movies, but wow! you would have thought it was Christmas out by the local shopping mall today. I never saw so many cars. Bless those military people spending their pay. Is it too late for me to sign up?

Basketball photos today went pretty well. I used a greenscreen to shoot individuals and the team since no courts were available. It's a great way to shoot and later put in an appropriate background with the computer but you have to have very good lighting.

I have decided to branch out and open a couple of more small businesses for a little security in these trying times. More on this later.

Bless the wifey's heart-she has had a cold but works and goes to school like a real trouper. I'm told it'll pay off one day.(that's what I keep telling her anyway)

All I want is fairness for all people-reward hard work-reward innovation-reward working smart and stop rewarding bad behavior. Everyone ought to pay some taxes-NO ONE should get back money they didn't pay in. We all need some skin in the game! This country can be great again-we just have to return to fairness. These are the times that try men's souls!*

(Famous Quote by Founding Father Thomas Paine 1776-77)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why Can I not get excited anymore?

Ok so it's been a while since I blogged-Guess I'm afraid of saying something politically incorrect. I think we are all tired of hearing that term. It's full blown political season-the Republicans are ripping each other up on National TV but it'll all soon be forgotten. I believe most people don't really care. It's kinda like baseball to me-I'm never interested until it's Worlds Series time!
I was off my day job today so I was pretty domestic and just chilled mostly. I have lots to do but like I said -I just can't seem to get excited. When I was young (not that I'm old), I was gonna change the world! At what point did that slip away? And how can I get that feeling back? I guess that's why some people take medication. I'm about the only person that I know that's not on some kinda doctor prescribed drug. Don't get me wrong, drugs can be very helpful but we don't need to get dependant on them.

It has become VERY clear to me as I have gotten older that we CAN change things -one person can make a difference but you gotta have passion-I mean you gotta have a reason! There are those of us who have lost it and just cruise thru life getting by. It's seems to me that the world rewards poor behavior and as the famous quote goes-I'm MAD AS HELL AND I AIN'T GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE. So I have decided that if I see lackluster performance being rewarded or cheating being condoned, I will speak up and call it as I see it. Hey! Maybe I just got some passion!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Las Vegas - Here We Come!

Hello fellow bloggers and friends. It's vacation time -(you know how it goes-You work 50 weeks and get 2 weeks off a year) And I'm getting excited about VEGAS!! I think the best part is the planning and the talking about going. I hope it lives up to its hype.

It's been busy in the photo business (so how come I'm still broke?) I do have enough money to eat out once a week or so but it's still a far cry from not worrying about money. Soccer season is about over and baseball is just around the corner. I need 2 more employees I think. One to print pics, and one to keep up with all the late orders and call people about bounced checks :( I guess its just a part of business. So you still wanna be a photographer??

Still waiting for my government check for buying a house! I am soooooo in need of that money! (see previous blogs) We're gonna call the IRS Wednesday. Wonder if they'll ask who I voted for? It'll either rile 'em up or get results. Guess I'm gonna try PROACTIVE. (no not the face stuff for acne) I might even try that in my work life too. I ain't getting any younger. If all fails, I might consider a run for office. LOL

Have any of you won the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes yet? I keep entering and entering and entering........... Sounds like my acquaintance on election day who keeps voting and voting and voting.............. (just kidding Dennis) Speaking of Miracles, the aforementioned acquaintance has a girlfriend(no no I know what you are thinking! They were out of blow-ups) But, he actually met an old classmate from high school on facebook. And they have hit it off. WOW! that's great! Hope it all works out so he can know how wonderful marriage can be. I have been married now for 27 years. 7 of the happiest years of my life. Take it how you want to.

But anyway, I am tired and always have to worry if the photo supplies are gonna get here on time and then am I gonna be able to deliver on time. But NO WORRIES. It all works out! AIN'T LIFE GRAND!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life Changes

Hello fellow bloggers and friends.

I have recently had a big change in my life. My day job has changed and I guess change is good or is supposed to be. So, I will embrace it since everyone is nice, although I do miss things the way they were.

The beautiful wifey is studying again. I picked up a can of Red Bull for her so I guess that means an "all niter" studying. Just got back from delivering basketball photos and of course I got orders for more pics. It's good when you get business. In fact, ITS GREAT!

I'm hearing about the nuclear option on the TV. Did someone threaten to bomb us? It's amazing how excited these news people get when something bad happens or is about to happen. Of course, I know what they are talking about. Healthcare! Something all of us need or will need one day. Some of us just like it a lot more than others. I should really go to the doctor but I'm afraid of those guys in the white coats. Ok, Ok! I'll go tomorrow if I can get an appointment. Too many sick people in the world. I felt a little depressed today but I kept chugging along anyway. I am definitely the odd fellow since I am on no medication except the aspirin I have started taking daily.

I went to visit my mother recently. It's about a 3 hour drive and it was a nice day to drive although a little cold outside. I like to drive sometimes. It gives me a chance to think and sort out my thoughts. I started counting all the properties for sale on the trip home. I counted 82 For Sale or lease signs on the main roads of my trip thru the rural countryside of Tennessee. I don't believe I have ever seen so many... Whether we know it or not, whether we recognize it or not, these are historical times. When I was a kid I remember things like landing a man on the moon, the Kennedy and King assassinations, Elvis singing Hound Dog, the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. I remember hard times. But we all survived and really didn't know they were such hard times. Hopefully, we will survive these times.

When I was that kid, I believed I could BE or DO anything. So why did I grow up and let that feeling drift away?

I like going back home. It recharges me and I feel renewed. Part of that feeling comes from the love of my mother. She is the best mother anyone could ever have. I kinda get that feeling on the way back to my adult life that I can DO anything again. Thanks Mom!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Trip to the Grocery Store

OK, so sometimes I rant a little. Here goes for any who cares.

I still haven't got my Obama Check! Sure my liberal friend says he's probably writing out that check right now! But I haven't seen it yet! I bought a house in 2009 and followed the rules but still NO CHECK!! Local property taxes are due the end of the month and here again I am about to run outta' month before I get more money. My current retirement plan (playing Powerball) hasn't paid off yet so guess I have to keep my day job!
And, to top it all off we needed groceries. So, we made a list and made sure to eat before our trip to the grocery. NEVER, NEVER go grocery shopping on an empty stomach! We decided to go to the BIG W. It was late and that was one of about 2 solutions to our grocery needs.

It gets pretty weird at the BIG W late at night for those who have never ventured out at that time. The things you can see will make you understand why our country is going down the tubes! Where do all these people come from? I REALLY think there are aliens among us!

So, we start on our list going down the appropriate aisles. Hey GUESS WHAT! They actually have BIG signs on each aisle telling you what's in that aisle. It's a good thing because you can't find anyone who works there! Once I did, but he told me that wasn't his department, he was only on his way to the break-room.

So we get our bread, eggs, milk, lunch meat, and splurge and get a roast! And then we picked up our bottled water. I was trying to remember when I first started buying water. My grandfather once laughed me out of the house for buying water. Next thing you know they'll be charging for air he said! If he were only alive today! I think that's what the CRAP AND TRADE bill is about isn't it! Funny thing about my liberal friend, he's really tight with his money but he's very free with mine. I think we need to remind our politicians that our money is ours and not there for them to spend as they see fit. I believe I know better how to spend my own money. So anyway, I go ahead and get a case of water and head for the checkout. As luck would have it, there was only one lane with a real person checking people out. I really don't like the self scan registers, but I'll save that for another day. The lady in front of me must have been shopping for an ARMY! She had two buggies(shopping carts for you northerners) and they were filled to the brim with any and everything you could imagine. After I had thumbed thru every tabloid available(did you know Brad and Angelina are gonna break up? And Jennifer will take him back?) she was finally ready to pay. What is this SNAP card thingie anyway? I gotta get me one of those! Who paid for all those groceries? I think we all just did..... and still no Obama check.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Digital vs. Film

I remember when digital cameras made their debue. But, I was well entrenched in film and all the nuiances of working with film. I had just spent $150k plus on new equipment and was working day & night to make ends meet. ALWAYS more month left at the end of the money! And when I thought I had 'em all satisfied, here would come another tax or something I hadn't counted on. Oh the joy of being a business owner!

I realistically thought I would have 3-5 years to change the way I did business before things would change. But change always comes whether good or bad. People quickly accepted digital (much to the astonishment of Kodak-Remember the APS camera-still a few around) The initial quality and ease of use was lacking but things improved quickly and digital has been embraced by this entrepreneur picture taker.

Things are pretty good now as long as I have my day job. I see no way a small mom and pop type business can make it today unless they have a highly sought after product or service that people are willing to purchase.

If you haven't gone digital yet, What are you waiting for!? Just jump in with both feet. It's only money! Buy the best digital camera you can afford. If you are a vacation/snapshot kinda person, just get a digital point and shoot. Buy a brand name such as Sony, Canon or Nikon, anything over 3 megapixels. That should give you decent photos. If you are a picky person like my friend (who was told he is picky just a couple days ago by a person that didn't know him) then you are doomed. You never wanna buy because you think the price will go down after you purchase or the technology will be so much better with the next model. Just jump in and make memories!!

The Patient Photographer